Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Grateful Spirit Sings

Unexpectedly I received the following email this morning from the Salt Lake City office regarding my USCIS update.

"I have approved your changes and I am sending you the notice from our office and forwarding the Visa to the NVC. ... Good luck with going forward with your adoption. I wish you the best."

In other words, it appears that overall, the crisis has in essence resolved and I can go on to China without this burden weighing on me constantly. I am so grateful that I went forward with my plans.

The congressman's office, the wonderful and angelic Ashley, here in Utah has been a lifesaver. Congressman Matheson get my vote forever!

So it appears that all my original plans are a safe go ahead and I will be meeting up with my Holt adoption group for orientation on the 25th of July as scheduled.

Thanks to all of your prayers and thoughts. This stressful time has been a real test and had many discouraging moments...but I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father and Savior who continue to bless me and work miracles in my life.


Greek Goddess said...


catharooni said...

i was out of the office this past week and missed the drama - but am happy to see all is moving forward ... faith is definitely preceeding your miracle!!

Lauren said...

Yippee! Such good news. I hope everything else goes smoothly for you.